Monday, April 5, 2010

Family visit

Our last visitors over first semester were my parents and sister, Lindsay. We had such a great time showing them what it is we actually do here (what do we do here?). In addition to our normal swimming, playing and napping routine, we did a lot of Marriott brunches (think fat kid in a candy store), beach bar lunches, afternoon beers or pina coladas, and then evening meals at all of the restaurants I've been wanting to try for 3 months. What is the common thread? FOOD!

Beau had the best time with his Grandpa and Nana.

And Lindsay just doted on him the whole week. She bathed him, fed him and got lots of cuddling time in. He was loving it after so many months away from her!

They also got to see his newest tricks-- crawling properly (thanks to the soft mat Grandpa and Nana brought him from home) and pulling himself up to standing!