Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sager Visit

Stacey, Adam, Shira and Yael came to visit us for one week from FREEEEEEZING cold New Jersey to sunny St. Kitts. It was such a great week for all of us, but especially Beau who seemed to thrive having his cuzzies around all day. Whenever the kids were all together, it felt like total chaos, but it was such a blast to see them feeding off of each other. In the midst of being trampled on and suffocated by his bigger, tougher cousins, Beau was just smiling and laughing and admiring the way they crawled and walked with such ease! In fact, I think they inspired him to get better at scooting across the room, which he now does at quite a good clip.

We brought the Sager family to all of our regular digs, including Friday night volleyball at Timothy Beach.

We even managed to have an adults-only night at The Spice Mill, down at Cockleshell Beach. We danced and partied until the wee hours of the morning... well maybe only 12:01 AM, but still.

They couldn't stay out of the warm, beautiful water! Stacey was so sun and fresh air-deprived, that she developed a sort of tick over the week. She'd randomly start muttering "perfect... perfect... perfect" when she was swimming in the ocean or playing with the kids in the sun.

It was a divine week for all of us, and we'll never forget it! Next time, 2 weeks!

End of Abbey's Visit - Caribelle

The rest of Abbey's trip here was fantastic! Beau got so much quality Abbey-time, it was awesome. While she was here, we also made an amateur film. It was so much fun to have her to bounce ideas off of and get creatively inspired. Thanks, Muse! You can see our film by clicking on the title of this blog post.